Scientists work together to save endangered Frog
This specie of frog faces danger of extinction. A group of international scientists are joining forces to save an unusual endangered species -- the so-called "scrotum frog." The frogs -- whose scientific name is Telmatobius culeus -- primarily live near Lake Titicaca, which straddles more than 3,200 square miles across the border of Peru and Bolivia, over 3,779 meters (12,400 feet) above sea level. They're the world's largest entirely acquatic frog, and their loose skin creates folds and flaps -- which earned the species its unfortunate nickname. The frogs, which can grow up to 20 centimeters (8 inches) long from head to rump, are considered endangered due to over-harvesting for human consumption, invasive trout that feed on its tadpoles, and the destruction of their natural habitat. It's hard to estimate how many frogs are left, given Lake Titicaca's vast size and the multitude of habitats it contains. But authorities and conservationists around the world hav...